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1. "Migration, Tariffs and China’s Export Surge," with Chen Liu (NUS), Journal of International Economics 140, January 2023.
2. "Exporting, Wage Profiles, and Human Capital: Evidence from Brazil," with Marc Muendler (UCSD) and Alejandro Nakab (UTDT), forthcoming at The Review of Economics and Statistics.
3. "College Expansion, Trade, and Innovation: Evidence from China," Solo Author, forthcoming at International Economic Review.
4. "Human Capital Investment and Development: The Role of On-the-Job Training," with Alejandro Nakab (UTDT) and Daniela Vidart (UConn), accepted at Journal of Political Economy Macroeconomics (JPE Macro).
1. 陈小亮、马啸(通讯作者).2016.“债务-通缩”风险与货币政策财政政策协调.《经济研究》51(8): 28-42
2. 陈彦斌、马啸、刘哲希. 2015. 要素价格扭曲、企业投资与产出水平.《世界经济》38 (9): 29-55.
1. "Skill Acquisition and the Gains from Trade: A Cross-country Quantitative Analysis," with Alejandro Nakab (UTDT) and Yiran Zhang (Fudan).
2. "Expecting Floods: Firm Entry, Employment, and Aggregate Implications," with Ruixue Jia (UCSD) and Victoria Wenxin Xie (Santa Clara).
3. "How do Workers Learn? Theory and Evidence on the Roots of Life-Cycle Human Capital Accumulation," with Alejandro Nakab (UTDT) and Daniela Vidart (UConn).
4. "The Motherhood Training Penalty," with Alejandro Nakab (UTDT), Camila Navajas-Ahumada (UTDT), and Daniela Vidart (UConn).
5. "Who Pays for Training? Theory and Evidence on Firm-Level Differences in Training Investments," with Alejandro Nakab (UTDT) and Daniela Vidart (UConn).